Pomocnik w ots nieaktywny
Wysłany: Pon 11:15, 09 Kwi 2007 Temat postu: Tu macie przykład na robienie ots YUROTS |
Witajcie !!!
Pewnie każdy z was chciałby mieć swojego OTS SERVER
Prawda. .
Zapowiem wam że nie będe sie nawet pytał czy chciecie
Oto poradnik Yourots
1. " Ściągamy ots "
Na początek ściągamy ots (np:Yourots ten właśnie podaje np.Yourots z przerobkami do klonari )
Link do ots : [link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
ok.... krok 1 zgłowy
2.przekofigorowanie ots
Cytat: | ---------------------------- OTServ configuration ------------------------------
-- datadir
datadir = "data/" <-- zostawić
-- sets what map to load
map = "data/world/test.otbm"<-- to też nie ruszać
-- OTBM for binary, SQL for SQL map, XML for OTX maps
mapkind = "OTBM" <--- oraz to
-- SQL for acc/player info from SQL, XML for acc/player info from XML
sourcedata = "XML" <---- i to
-- the message the player gets when he logs in
loginmsg = "Welcome to YurOTS" <-- tu napisz co mabyc po zalogowaniu na samej góże
-- the port otserv listens on
port = "7171" <--- taki port am byc po za , wyjatakami
-- name of our server
servername = "YurOTS" <--- nick=imie servera
-- name of the owner of our server
ownername = "Yurez" <--- imie właściciela
-- email of the owner of our server
owneremail = "" <--- pomiędze "" napisać mail wlaściciela(nie końeczne )
-- the url for more server info
url = "" <-- napisac pomiędzy "" url strony dom.. servera ( tez nie trzeba ale jak ktoś chce mieć
-- the location of the server
location = "Poland" <---- zostawic jak jestes z polski
-- the ip the server should redirect too
ip = "12.10.14" <-- ip swoje(jeśli nie znasz , o tym napisze poniżej)
-- The messagebox you sometimes get before you choose characters
motd = "Welcome to YurOTS" <----zostaw
-- use md5 passwords for accounts, yes/no
md5passwords = "no" <--- lepiej zostawic
-- world type. options: pvp, no-pvp, pvp-enforced
worldtype = "pvp" <--- pvp albo no-pvp
-- max number of players allowed
maxplayers = "28" <-- max graczy na servie
-- exhausted time in ms (1000 = 1sec)
exhausted = 20000 <-- zostawic
-- exhaustion time for healing spells (1000 = 1sec)
exhaustedheal = 1000 <--- tak jak wyżej
-- how many ms to add if the player is already exhausted and tries to cast a spell (1000 = 1sec) <-- nieruszac apsolutnie
exhaustedadd = 300 <--- tez nie ruszyc
-- how long does the player has to stay out of fight to get pz unlocked in ms (1000 = 1sec) <-- t i to na dole zostawic to tu \/
pzlocked = 10*1000
-- allow multiple logins of the same char
allowclones = 0 <--- ile osób na jedną postać
-- vocation names
vocations = {"a sorcerer", "a druid", "a paladin", "a knight"}
promoted_vocations = {"a master sorcerer", "an elder druid", "a royal paladin", "an elite knight"} postawy albo jak wy tam mówicie można zmienic
--- SQL part
sql_host = "localhost"
sql_user = "root"
sql_pass = ""
sql_db = "otserv"
--- SQL MAP part
sqlmap = "test_map"
map_host = "localhost"
map_user = "root"
map_pass = ""
map_db = ""
\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ to na dole hyba tak samo jak na głóze przepisac tylko inne slowa sa ale sie powtarza
------------------------- YurOTS basic configuration ---------------------------
-- name of your world (seen on the character list when logging in)
worldname = "YurOTS"
-- how often do server saves it's state (0 = off, 5 = 5min, 60 = hour)
autosave = 10
-- do you want to enable cap system? (yes/no)
capsystem = "no"
-- do you want players to learn spells before they can use them? (yes/no)
learnspells = "yes"
-- do you want premium players to wait in queue as others? (yes/no)
queuepremmy = "yes"
-- how much % of {exp, mana, skill, eq, bp} do you lose when dying
diepercent = {"7", "7", "7", "7", "100"}
-- how many summons player can have
maxsummons = 2
-- do you want to give summons for all vocations? (yes/no)
summonsallvoc = "no"
-- chance of losing a spear when shot (0 - none lost, 100000 - all lost)
spearlosechance = 50
-- anti-afk - maximum idle time to kick player (1 = 1min)
kicktime = 15
-- maximum number of items player can keep in his/her depot
maxdepotitems = 1000
-- maximum number of items on a house tile (including those in containers)
maxhousetileitems = 10
-- how much death entries are saved in players file (old are deleted)
maxdeathentries = 10
-- mana consumend by {snakebite, moonlight, volcanic, quagmire, tempest} rod
rodmana = {"2", "3", "5", "8", "13"}
-- mana consumed by wand of {vortex, dragonbreath, plague, cosmic energy, inferno}
wandmana = {"2", "3", "5", "8", "13"}
-- damage of burst arrows blast
-- default is from (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.24 to (1*lvl+5*mlvl)*0.55
burstarrowdmg = {"1.0", "5.0", "0.24", "0.55"}
--------------------------- Multipliers and gains ------------------------------
-- experience multiplier (how much faster you got exp from monsters)
expmul = 25 <--- ile xpa
-- experience multiplier for pvp-enforced (how much faster you got exp from players)
expmulpvp = 2 ile expa pvp
-- skill multipliers: 1 - rl tibia, 10 - ten times faster etc. {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
weaponmul = {"1", "1", "1", "1", "40"}
distmul = {"1", "1", "1", "40", "1"}
shieldmul = {"1", "1", "1", "20", "20"}
manamul = {"1", "3", "3", "2", "2"}
-- how much points of life,mana,cap do you get when advancing {no-voc, sorcerer, druid, paladin, knight}
capgain = {"10", "10", "10", "20", "25"}
managain = {"5", "30", "30", "15", "5"}
hpgain = {"5", "5", "5", "10", "15"}
-- how much faster do you recovery life,mana after eating food (1 - rl tibia)
healthtickmul = 5
manatickmul = 5 to an dole \/ do many idt
-------------------------------- Skull system ----------------------------------
-- how many unjustified kills to get a red skull
redunjust = 3
-- how many unjustified kills to get banned
banunjust = 6
-- how long do you have white skull after attacking player (1 = 1min)
hittime = 1
-- how long do you have white skull after killing player (1 = 1min)
whitetime = 15
-- how long do you have red skull (1 = 1min)
redtime = 6*60
-- how long do you have to wait to lose 1 unjustified kill (1 = 1min)
fragtime = 12*60
\/ zostawiac nieruszac nic
------------------------------ GM access rights --------------------------------
-- access to walk into houses and open house doors
accesshouse = 3
-- access to login without waiting in the queue or when server is closed
accessenter = 2
-- access to ignore damage, exhaustion, cap limit and be ignored by monsters
accessprotect = 2
-- access to broadcast messages and talk in colors (#c blabla - in public channels)
accesstalk = 1
-- access to move distant items from/to distant locations
accessremote = 3
-- access to see id and position of the item you are looking at
accesslook = 2
skonczyliśmy 2. etap
i juz macie gotowego ots ale bez acc
Mam nadzieje że sie przyda
Jeśli macie problem pisać na GG 9047582
Szukam kogoś do wzpupracy do robienia OTS klornaria albo innego skryptu
Narazie moje dane są nieaktywne czekam aż admin mi to zrobi
i jescze 1
jakby była możliwość dania mi adminna albo moda bym pomagał we wszystkim